March 31, 2025

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)

The OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) is the highest award in Health and Safety Excellence that OSHA presents to an organization.

This training program will guide attendees with best practices in implementing the OSHA VPP program. It will offer a broad overview of how to work with OSHA to achieve VPP site implementation success.

The instructor will present several scenarios that attendees can relate to. Further, the webinar will also cover:

  • Define the key elements and sub elements of the OSHA VPP program
  • Define how to get a baseline of a safety culture within your facility
  • Define how to best engage employees and senior management in the safety process for VPP site implementation
  • Fully comprehend the benefits of establishing a VPP mentor for VPP site implementation
  • Understand how to work with OSHA to achieve VPP site implementation success
  • Define how to properly fill out and submit the OSHA VPP application
  • Discuss best practices and take-always in VPP site implementation
  • Answer specific questions or concerns as it relates to OSHA VPP site implementation at your facility

Course Outline:

  • Introduction and overview of the OSHA VPP program
  • Define the key elements and sub elements of the OSHA VPP program
  • Learn to establish a baseline for a safety culture within your facility as it pertains to the VPP program
  • Understand how to engage employees in the safety process for VPP implementation
  • Understand how to engage supervisors and senior management in the safety process for VPP implementation
  • Define best practices in implementing the OSHA VPP program

Topic: OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program
Date: 14th, September, 2022, Wednesday
Time: 01:00 PM EDT | Duration: 60 Minutes


Can't attend live? Enroll and we'll send you a link to the recording version

Instructor profile:

Ms Deidre Tate is an experienced Process Safety Specialist and has conducted over 100 audits domestically and internationally as a lead auditor. She has also successfully implemented PSM/RMP, Responsible Care, VPP and CFATS at multiple facilities.
Deidre served three consecutive appointments by the Dept. of Homeland Security to the U.S. Coast Guard Chemical Transportation Committee and two terms on the Board of Environmental Studies at Elon University. As part of the Pinnacle team, Deidre applies her EHS subject matter expertise to compliance auditing, program development and helping clients achieve ISO 14001, RC 14001 and VPP certifications.
Deidre holds a B.S. from Michigan State University and has completed post graduate studies in the College of Chemical Engineering at Wayne State University.
Author: Host

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